Eduardo Alvarado - how noble the existence of the matter and soul in this world can be.
December 16. That was our last conversation by Facebook and Eduardo asked me my address to send few catalogs of his work and last exhibitions.
!!!! DECEMBER 16!!!!! .... and I only got this last Friday, August.
July 9th, 2015
1Die spinnen, die Römer
Die spinnen, die Römer – The Romans are crazy ( or something like that ).
lol !!!! wait… what?
She can’t talk to me like that. Where did she take this idea?
Happy new year everyone !!!!
Keep the good hard work and please ignore the fact I have procrastinated for two years.
23; one to six that's my number.
23; one to six that's my number.
23; one to six that's my number.
passing under saguis - eke eke eke... read Ecclesiastes
Feeling the taste of every texture in the air. It is so hot. All thoughts melt under the weather.
No purpose before or after each step. So I ride... the stag any hunter will ever catch.
Nowhere is a place too close, I go further.
Green pasture for the flock. Caio Fern, 2013 , acrylic on canvas.
this work is so lame on the photo but so cute on my wall.... and the sheep have such nice red details... ok then.
Green pasture for the flock.
landscape in red and flesh. Caio Fern, 2014 , acrylic on canvas .
just a pretty little landscape to look while having my tea.
3What did you say ? Acrylic on canvas, Caio Fern. 2014.
What did you say ?
wow wow wow wow wow !!!!!
wait a minute here !!! Did you say my shoes are ugly ?
It gives me no other alternative but releasing the dog on you.
SOCKS - Caio Fern, 2014 , acrylic on canvas.
ride ride ride your bike
Gently down the street
Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Life is but a dream.
Hallo liebe welters !!!!
So today I just painted this, started and finished. Not bad at all, hein?
Now I am going to take a shower and go for a ride....
Madchen mit baum, Caio Fern, 2014 , acrylic on canvas.
Hallo Beloved Welters.
I believe my work has disappointed more and more people all over the world.
Please, don't be upset with what they say. They are Europeans, Americans, Asians, Africans.... they were raised to be haters but somewhere deep inside they have good heart and soul.
willkommen in der Natur - Caio Fern, 2014 , acrylic on canvas.
Hallo liebe Welters.
You can smile now because This wonderful Welter Konig here is going to pronunciate the words of gold for my beloved population.
well... I have nothing to say.
Enjoy the painting of a landscape of our beautiful nation.
art is one of the greatest lies the civilization likes to tell to itself, Caio Fern, 2014, acrylic and oil on canvas.
as most of my posts start.....
I woke up this morning and decided to paint.
yes. Didn't walk the dogs and didn't ride my bike.
Only brushed my teeth, went to the studio, put the dirt paint/clothes on and made this wonderful masterpiece .
It was a nice morning indeed.
Landscape, Caio Fern, 2014.
Hallo Liebe Welters !!!!!
It has been something like one week that only rains here in Mein Welt.
There is nothing better than this weather for a nice peaceful life with cups of teas and Aquarium landscapes to enjoy and make you dream.
That's My King Dr. S.M. Lockridge - [OFFICIAL]
That’s My King
The Bible says
He’s the King of the Jews
He’s the King of Israel
He’s the King of Righteousness
He’s the King of the Ages
He’s the King of Heaven
He’s the King of Glory
He’s the King of Kings
and He is the Lord of Lords
Now that’s my King!
David says
The Heavens declare th
a source of spiritual misery. -------- by Caio Fern.
Oh, the electricity must to be saved this month. Let's only use flash lights I bought for camping that didn't happen yet, it is late of night and will make the neighbors freak out thinking there is a thief at home.
5I confess it is only me ..............................and I almost don't mind.
The living room smells and I am part of it.
Have hiking boots for distant mountain tracks I don't even know on.
Helmet on, gloves on, camping backpack on, favorite flannel shirt on, pants on, thick socks on, flash lights on, Swiss Army knife on.
Caio Fern, BOM PERFEITO E AGRADAVEL, 2013, acrylic on canvas, Good perfect and enjoyable
Good perfect and enjoyable ( the translation from what is on the canvas ).
Like my life now and all God's promises.
Hallo Welters !!!!!!
Today I decided to start to paint.
ride a new life.
Hello Welters.
I've taken advantage of my privileges of Welter Konig and recently only enjoyed life.
Well, I bought this new bike, a Gallo Hydroform, a Brazilian brand from Guarulhos, a city into Sao Paulo's metropolis.
a new one was found. Caio Fern, 1999, acrylic on paper.
I found this work from 1999.This was the year I started to paint. I remember that only made this to see if it was possible to paint without using white paint.
The white parts you see are from the paper, not paint. I used a photo- self portrait as model.
Caio Fern, 1999, acrylic on paper.
Wild Life means a little yellow box. The Wisconsin- Bournemouth- São Paulo Connection.
So it means all started because I friend of mine sent a message from Wisconsin telling me about a deer who had died hit by a car in front of her house, the carcass was right on her front lawn and the county for weeks didn't send anyone to take it from there.
3Stag, new version, by Caio Fern 2012, acrylic on canvas.
After a couple of days of this work on my wall I had to cut that green part you saw when I posted the other day. I couldn't breath with that. After to cut the room lighted up and I was able to breath again , that was a huge weight I had to get rid of.
7Merry Christmas, may you be blessed by Jesus tonight and for all your life.
Merry Christmas, may you be blessed by Jesus Christ tonight and for all your life.
5Merry Christmas, may you be blessed by Jesus tonight and for all your life.
Merry Christmas, may you be blessed by Jesus Christ tonight and for all your life.
these images are from Maren which always makes lovely things. check her blog out and click on the link to her site too.
Merry Christmas, may you be blessed by Jesus tonight and for all your life.
Merry Christmas, may you be blessed by Jesus Christ tonight and for all your life.
2Painting, Dream, Free, Deer, Blood, Jesus, Nazis, Nephilim, Experiences, German, Brazilian, English. It is getting clear now.
Yesterday I was talking to my dear friend “golden angel” and all of sudden mylast paintings have been much clear to me, the meanings and the facts surrounding them.
Doe - Caio Fern, acrylic on canvas, 2012.
Just following my obsession for "Deer culture" and related stuff.
It is funny, people here wonder why I am doing this as in Sao Paulo deer is a word used to relate gay people. hahah, why, Caio, why are you so obsessed with gays? hahaha.
Caixa Lote Magazine - pretty good site. Thank you. The Sao Paulo's art magazine Caixa Lote has done a pretty nice work supporting my paintings... This time it is on their site. Thank you and Obrigado. I sincerely wish I was there to give you a big hug.
Caio Fern , 2012 , acrylic on canvas
Yesterday I prepared the canvasses to start to work this morning.
I don't know what it is happening with my internal watch, but I know I like this mess.... I woke up at 4:00 am and realized that wouldn't sleep anymore. I am worried with nothing, not stressed, I am only affected by the heat.
Fawn, Pine, Caio Fern, acrylic on canvas , 2012
Landscapes are , sadly , only a psychological phenomenon in my life.
To live in landscapes, experiment then , go to then , I must to develop it in my mind and deal with myself, wills, dreams, ideals and frustrations.
Landscapes are escapes, but not lands for me.
November 29th, 2012
I regret.
I regret ALL I have done, liked , consumed, believed, learned, transformed. produced, eaten, made part of, listened, walked by, taken, given…..
That doesn’t come from you. Jesus the only son of God, My Lord.
This is the break,
Where the new begins.
Where Your will dominates.
Caio Fern, 2012 , VENISON - acrylic on canvas .
Because of an Engel von Norden I have been very fanatic about deer and their influence.
Venison has nothing to do with my practical daily life.... but is too close from my feelings and personal story anyway. I can't see a real distance.
I wasn't painting these last months...
Maß - by Caio Fern
snap crack bite chew,
Cracked my favorite Maß . Now I can drink cold white tea and swallow pieces of glass with taste of blood. Ice cubes too.
border, fringe, brim, border, borderline, edging, skirt … it was made of gold, but I can’t melt it and make a ring for whom I love.
Now you can see the entire book for free - CRU & RAW by Caio Fern. ( Not the iPad iBooks format) Now you can see the entire book for free. I don't know till when it will be viable so check it out as fast as possible. Not the C R U & R A W ebook (iPad iBooks format.
2C R U & R A W ebook (iPad iBooks format), 80 pgs by Caio Fern
C R U & R A W ebook (iPad iBooks format), 80 pgs
…and today I released this EBook,Cru and Raw. It started to be made in 2010 and only finished in 2011, but as I published the Mein Welt book at the time the Cru & Raw was let to be posted later.
It is effect, not a cause.
When asked this Sunday if I was producing or preparing something new, my answer could only be "no, I've done nothing, I haven't gotten into the studio for two months".
As a matter of fact I come to the studio everyday...
art page talking about these works of mine with a little inteview - A really good excuse to show a painting I had never posted before.
예술, this blog from Korea was very kind doing a really great post about my work with a small interview in English. Thank you. Things like this make my day. The entire blog is wonderful...
3Chine by Buron - Buron is a Welter.
This is a really great and perfect book. To know about this made me happy in a way you have no idea.