1. LOL.  
    December 16. That was our last conversation by Facebook and Eduardo asked me my address to send few catalogs of his work and last exhibitions.  
    !!!! DECEMBER 16!!!!! .... and I only got this last Friday, August.  

    well.. I am not complaining only laughing and realizing...if there is one painter from Spain and a painter from Brazil involved in the process... things are going to happen and it will be great... but don't wait up.....  instead, take a seat. We are too busy living our delightful lives and having fun and loving, and inventing things that only matter in a very particular way. Gracias and Obrigado.  
    Sun is shinning, love is calling, life is beautiful. Let people from boring freezing places hurry up with their stuff.  
    Eduardo at this moment is at the Mediterranean Coast with his family and I am mountain biking the hell out off of the rain forests in the lost mountains of Southeast of South America. The rest of the world can wait. The entire world is just annoying anyway.  

    As a matter of fact I feel so privileged for him to have remembered of me and sent me this fantastic images by mail during his vacation.  
    The picture of the horse is a small painting, a original one he sent with the catalogs. It is temporarily on that place but soon will be in my " dirt shed room", a new room I am doing here for all the stuff that is hobbies related and I think is pretty... is like my tea room but more man cave, with bike tools, aquariums for new reproduction experiments and will be an extension of my painting studio one day.... I will keep all my finished works on this place too.  

    Eduardo's work is inspiring... it is inspiring in a bad way... the GOOD  way --------- it makes you jealous and feeling like to paint.... it brings wonders to your eyes and crises to your heart.  
    "Now I want to paint. dammit".  
    -" Espanhol filho da puta" I was living my life in peace absolute not minding about art and he sends these great stuff and makes my soul burn in luxury and desire and getting ready for new challenges. 

    He can be so clean and direct/straight , so pure, taking the eyes close to the core of the image.  
    The truth is that I've been a fan of his work for years. 6 years to be exact, because of this... this characteristic of such a noble feeling and attitude he can develop with his paintings, drawings and sculptures. 
    Yes -  Elegant, noble, clean, pure, straight, core, beautiful, mature, enlightened , precise..... this are some of the words that ALWAYS come to my mind when I get in contact with his work.  

    Thank you Eduardo, not for sending these catalogs but for being in a relevant position in life  offering us these registers of how noble the existence of the matter and soul in this world can be.  

    God bless you.  
    Dios te bendiga 
    Deus te Abençoe 

    ( here is his blog www.elpintordehierro.blogspot.com.

     FB page https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000613227337


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  3. weak lamp and strong silent space
    the little cabin hidden in the backward behind grape tree and bushes exposes its red bricks and opened window to breath the cold air of the night

     i don't know my name, can't discover how it has been written beyond the deep blue

    it is a priceless privilege to barefooted walk in dark among ferns and sleeping white flowers to reach the cabin where the mountain bike is kept and work on it.... it is so cold this night .... i had to take my shirt off and feel every detail of the low temperature getting into my skin.
    "at dawn i ride"
    holding greasy tools i pray to Jesus to keep His strong hand over me as He has always done protecting, washing me

    dog licks his paw and its sound is blended with the steam of the tea cup.

    ...after many hills, steam coming out of my mouth, death in its many forms was faced, suppressed and ignored.
    sky getting lighter, clouds, drizzle. what not to love about it?
    trees trees trees they are all singing perfumes, as the fresh earth around my warm green black flannel shirt and celeste blue helmet.  

    the front wheel is so slippery on the mud, here I go one more downhill over the roots and rocks with success.
    amen! i do praise the Lord for this.

    i must to pass by and stop to see

    that swiss wooden house among pine trees with little hearts sculpted on the balcony and green door.
    i must to pass by that grey stone house that looks like a little castle.
    i must to pass by the red brick house with big window that is for sale and one day will be mine.
    i must to pass by those eucalyptus.
    i must to pass by the anglican cathedral and the Scandinavian luteran church because they are so beautiful.
    before to head to the trail.
    as I always do.

    the front wheel is so slippery on the mud, here I go one more downhill over the roots and rocks with success.
    amen! i do praise the Lord for this.

    capybaras awaken already as the monkeys and birds.... if it was sunny the lizards and snakes would be searching for the early sunshine.  but they hide from me anyway. you understand it as you want.

    what am i up to? why am i doing this?
    Blitzkrieg over myself, space and time.
    with one hand I play with my dog..... i pray the psalm because it is true and never fails.
    i am safe and save.

    do you see this silence? is the deep breath before "_____"

    wear brown hiking boots, put on:
    towards and towards.
    towards and towards
    towards and towards
    towards and towards


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  4. Die spinnen, die Römer – The Romans are crazy ( or something like that ).
    lol !!!! wait… what?
    She can’t talk to me like that. Where did she take this idea?
    Happy new year everyone !!!!
    Keep the good hard work and please ignore the fact I have procrastinated for two years.
    I am only riding my bike in the most selfish fashion possible. I ask myself if it is a middle age crises…. hum… I have had middle age crises since I was 10 years old.. so I think it is only a cheap way to run from my responsibilities and feel happy all the time I beat my own personal records on two wheels,  some distant road or mountain bike track lost in time and space.
    I don’t feel like to paint at all… I realized I don’t need painting in my life and the painting doesn’t need me neither. We agreed to keep distance from each other and it seems to be working well. Divorce can be a good thing when it is about art….
    Ciao Bella and stop saying I look like a crazy Roman. I still am Der Welter Konig from the lost mountains across the oceans.  ;)
    Die spinnen, die Römer
    Der Welt König

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  5. am i back to painting? uhh, i sincerely don't know.  
    i only wanted to do a nice ornament for the new umbrella box i bought yesterday, 
     it is made of wood and will be by the side of the front door, so i thought it would be a nice touch to paint an ornament to hang on the wall right upon it,  
    so i will see the real umbrellas' handles and see the painting upon it and my eyes are going to have an umbrellas' feast ... isn't it wonderful ?  
    the ornament by the side with flowers i copied from a dirndl i saw lately.  
    why women don't wear dirndls all the time? 
    as the Welter Konig i will make a law demanding every women to only wear this.


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  7. 23; one to six that's my number.
    23; one to six that's my number.


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  8. Feeling the taste of every texture in the air. It is so hot. All thoughts melt under the weather. 
    No purpose before or after each step. So I ride... the stag any hunter will ever catch.  
    Nowhere is a place too close, I go further.  
    Here is the body in heat ready for the Rapture, the spirit ready for Heaven and today's dreams ready to be left behind with its vanity.  

    This house is going to be mine soon, I don't know how but it will.  

    A list of things to do. 
    A list of things to hate.
    A list of things to juuuust dislike. 
    Nothing ever changes and oh Lord I am still so blessed.  
    Saguis and micos and capivaras and my bicycle among trees when I am fast enough to escape the buildings.  

    South America is calling: don't understand what it says, "no hablo su idioma".  
    Rest of the world is calling: avoid to listen, it is ugly and desperate." you lie and didn't treat me well, you can't say anything anymore". 
    Mein Welt is calling: ich bin Der Welter Koning, but I am tired to dream.  
    God is calling: Sir, i've done what i could, sorry, it isn't good enough, i know. please keep your hand on my life, hope you still love me.  

    last night I saw a picture of a nice guy from rio de janeiro, was an early 60's image of a bossanova young man in his swimwear, no shirt or shoes or ornaments, riding a bicycle on the beach in front of the sea under the summer's brazilian sun, smiling and looking to the girls in bikinis. The bike had high handlebars which allowed him to be very erect on the saddle, proud and enjoying the beautiful landscape as the world belonged to him. the image had dignity and made me happy.  
    but I  laughed when I compared with my situation here Sao Paulo 50 years later riding a bicycle all dressed up in the crazy traffic of congested avenues and on the high speed roads. speeding up to save my life, focused on a target, not looking to the sides, curved over drop bars, curved over my own body, trying to overcome myself in every second. no rest, no mercy for failures. reaching for blessings and building new ways.   
    I ride my bike the exactly same way I paint. the exactly same way I pray.  
    And when I talk about my painting process I always start saying:" so I woke up early this morning and went to  the studio......" 
    So I woke up early this morning.... 
    to pedal hard, and harder. eke eke eke, to sweat all the toxins, and the good things too, to expel the world, all the references, thoughts and feelings. To expel myself.  
    expel myself expel myself.  
    emptiness towards eternity.   

    So when you ask me if I am painting or working. 
    no, yes, well... to me there is absolute no difference between to paint to pray and to ride a bicycle.  

     was made a being with bifocal sight and capacity to build.  
     use different weapons to reach the same target.  
     am a stag among trees and streets but I am a hunter.  
    to know myself, to overcome myself, to get rid of myself. towards God. 

    what difference does it make... what I am doing?  
    as everything done on this world is only vanity.  
    Read Ecclesiastes.  



    ( image of the sagui taken from this site : http://scienceblogs.com.br/xisxis/2011/11/saguis-bonitinhos-mas-ordinarios/  ) 


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  10. this work is so lame on the photo but so cute on my wall.... and the sheep have such nice red details... ok then. 

    Green pasture for the flock. Green for everybody !!!! yey !!!

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I am a misfit painter and I go out with apples living in a land far far away named MEIN WELT where all descendants of nazis, pirates, slaves, fairies, Fundamentalist Christians, Tolkien characters and Ramones's fans can reproduce like rabbits If you have a good soul , this is MEIN WELT. Be welcome and enjoy the trip ( make this a tiny piece of your home ). JESUS CHRIST BLESS YOU !!
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