Die spinnen, die Römer – The Romans are crazy ( or something like that ).
lol !!!! wait… what?
She can’t talk to me like that. Where did she take this idea?
She can’t talk to me like that. Where did she take this idea?
Happy new year everyone !!!!
Keep the good hard work and please ignore the fact I have procrastinated for two years.
I am only riding my bike in the most selfish fashion possible. I ask myself if it is a middle age crises…. hum… I have had middle age crises since I was 10 years old.. so I think it is only a cheap way to run from my responsibilities and feel happy all the time I beat my own personal records on two wheels, some distant road or mountain bike track lost in time and space.
I don’t feel like to paint at all… I realized I don’t need painting in my life and the painting doesn’t need me neither. We agreed to keep distance from each other and it seems to be working well. Divorce can be a good thing when it is about art….
Ciao Bella and stop saying I look like a crazy Roman. I still am Der Welter Konig from the lost mountains across the oceans. ;)
I don’t feel like to paint at all… I realized I don’t need painting in my life and the painting doesn’t need me neither. We agreed to keep distance from each other and it seems to be working well. Divorce can be a good thing when it is about art….
Ciao Bella and stop saying I look like a crazy Roman. I still am Der Welter Konig from the lost mountains across the oceans. ;)
Die spinnen, die Römer
Der Welt König
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